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10 أشياء غريبة تمامًا عن الأطفال

الأطفال رائعين و اسفنجيون و ... غريبون. نعم قلناها. إنهم غريبون. لا تصدقنا؟ إليك 10 أشياء غريبة تمامًا عن الأطفال.

1. إنهم لا يذرفون الدموع.

بالتأكيد ، إنهم يبكون. طوال الوقت. لكن انظر إلى عيونهم الصغيرة ولن ترى أي دموع. إنهم لا يقومون بتزييفها (نحن على يقين من أن الأطفال حديثي الولادة لا يعرفون آليات البكاء المزيف حتى الآن ، ولكن فقط انتظر حتى يصبحوا أطفالًا صغارًا وأساتذة في البكاء المزيف).

ذلك لأن القنوات الدمعية للطفل لم تتطور بالكامل بعد (ولا الغدد العرقية ، مما يعني عدم التعرق). لديهم ما يكفي من الدموع للحفاظ على أعينهم صحية ورطبة ، ولكن ليس لديهم ما يكفي من الدموع للسماح لهم بالتدفق بحرية.

ستلاحظ قطرات دمعة فعلية في حوالي 3 أو 4 أسابيع ، كما يقول Leann Poston ، الطبيب في Invigor Medical

2. إنهم متعاطفون.

لو كنا جميعًا مثل الأطفال. وجدت دراسة جديدة أجراها باحثون في معهد التعلم وعلوم الدماغ بجامعة واشنطن أن الأطفال متعاطفون. في الواقع ، تعلم الباحثون أن الأطفال الجياع الذين يبلغون من العمر 19 شهرًا سوف يقدمون طعامًا للغرباء إذا احتاجوا إليه.

في عمر 6 أشهر ، سيعودون بابتساماتهم ، وسيشعرون بالضيق إذا نظرت إليهم بتعبيرات غير مستجيبة. في عمر 10 أشهر ، سيظهرون قلقهم فعليًا إذا كانت والدتهم منزعجة.

3. يبكي بلكنة.

قد لا يكونون قادرين على التحدث بالفعل بعد ، ولكن وجدت دراسة أن الأطفال يبكون بنفس اللحن المستخدم في لغتهم الأم. ومن اللافت للنظر أنهم يفعلون ذلك في اليوم الثاني من حياتهم.

غير مقتنع؟ يشعر الأطفال الفرنسيون حديثي الولادة بالهدوء في نهاية صرخاتهم ، على غرار اللهجة الفرنسية ، بينما يبدأ الأطفال الألمان بكاءهم بشدة ثم يتوقفون فجأة - تمامًا مثل اللغة الألمانية ، وفقًا لدراسة نشرت في "علم الأحياء الحالي". هذا يعني أن الأطفال يسمعون الأصوات التي يسمعونها في الرحم ويقلدونها.

أكثر إثارة للدهشة؟ صرخات الأطفال الأولى تحمل بعض أثر لغتهم الأم (أو لغة أمهاتهم على وجه الدقة). الترجمة:يسمع الرضيع أنماط كلام أمه الدقيقة وينطقها في أول صرخة له. A fetus can recognize his mother’s voice by the third trimester through bone conduction.

The more varied the accent, the more varied your baby’s cry will be (so it may be just slightly different between a baby in Detroit and Chicago, while he’ll sound very different if born to a French mother).

4. They can only focus 8-12 inches from their faces.

Don’t be nervous if you discover your baby is nearsighted:this is totally normal. “Their vision falls between 20/200 and 20/400,” Poston says. “As the eyes begin to work together, the ability to focus will improve and the baby will be able to see further away.”

It takes until up to the fifth month for babies to have depth perception and to see in 3D.

5. They only see in black and white.

It’s the reason why so many baby toys are in black and white (though many parents reach for the most colorful toys available anyway). The ability to see in color develops over the first 3 months of life.

Babies start to see in color at about 1 week, but by 6 weeks, they’ve developed a full range of color vision.

6. Their first poop doesn’t smell.

Perhaps this makes us love them even more? But scientifically speaking, bacteria and bacterial waste products from metabolizing food are what causes the odor found in poop. A newborn’s bowels are not colonized with bacteria at birth and it takes time for this to happen, Poston says.

Their first poops will consist solely of meconium, which is lighter than normal stool and is tar-like. After day 3, a breastfed baby will have yellow or yellow-green poop. As the bacteria increases, so will the smell. Babies who are breastfed continue to have minimally smelly poop, compared with those who are formula-fed.

Oh, and it’s totally normal for infants to poop four to 12 times daily, especially if they’re breastfeeding. They shouldn’t be pooping fewer than three times per day (that may mean they’re not getting enough milk). The frequency should ebb around 6 weeks.

7. They can’t taste salty foods until 5 months.

Well, technically, most taste studies in infants are done by evaluating facial expressions, Poston says. So as far as she knows, they may be able to taste salt but they don’t have a strong reaction to it. لماذا ا؟ Once infants can talk, we can learn the answer to this one.

But one study may offer a clue. It found that babies who eat starchy table foods before the age of 6 months have a preference for salt that lasts through their early years. Those who had the starchy foods (a piece of bread, cereal, fries, etc.) preferred saltier drinks and drank 55 percent more of those saltier drinks during the study at 6 months old.

When those same kids were preschoolers, they were more likely to happily lick salt from food and even eat the salt plain.

8. They usually prefer the same foods that mom ate while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Sense of taste is developed in the womb, as the flavors are transmitted through the blood in the amniotic fluid. By the end of a pregnancy, a baby will swallow nearly a liter of amniotic fluid daily – and if you’re snacking on cupcakes, you may give your baby a sweet tooth.

In one study, mothers drank carrot juice every day during the last few months of their pregnancy or after birth and during breastfeeding. As a result, their babies had more of a preference for carrots than those whose mothers didn’t drink gallons of carrot juice. This taste preference transfer was replicated in another study using garlic – and in this one, the children’s preference for garlic lasted through adolescence.

9. Their hair color changes.

Don’t get too attached to your infant’s hair color – chances are, it’ll change. Actually, don’t bother getting too attached to your infant’s hair at all – it may fall out, making your baby bald just like plenty of other newborns.

These are all totally normal physiological responses to birth. Just like mothers who gain gorgeous locks during pregnancy – and shed many of those locks postpartum – babies do the same, thanks to falling hormones. The time it happens varies from baby to baby.

For some, the hair grows back in six months, while others will take a few years. Impatient to know what’s going to happen? A study published in Forensic Science Communications found that most of the children had dark hair in the first 6 months of life; the hair lightened from 9 months until 2 ½, and after 3, their hair got darker until they reached the age of 5. You could probably expect it to stay pretty steady at that point. Their hair color is in their DNA – it’s just waiting to grow.

10. Their skin peels off.

This doesn’t mean they have dry skin, says Hela Barhoush, a physician with One Medical. Instead, this is a result of pregnancy. They were in amniotic fluid for 9 months, and the less vernix (that white stuff on newborns) they arrive with, the more likely they’ll peel. Since preemies have a ton of vernix, they usually peel less than full-term babies. The baby’s skin tends to peel 1 to 3 weeks after birth, and you don’t need to apply lotion, help with the peeling or even call a doctor.

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